Rhythm of English
途切れることなく紡がれるDavidの朗読&歌。その心地良さと不思議な効果は古い生徒なら誰もが知るところ。30年超の指導で培 われたchants技術は他に類を見ない。今はなき井深大氏設立の幼児開発協会(現在は閉鎖)元マネジャー。
Q1. Where Are You From? / 出身地
I am from Bradford England,It was a boomtown of the Industrial Revolution, and amongst the earliest industrialised settlements, rapidly becoming the "wool capital of the world" which attracted workers from many other counties, so I was lucky to grow up with children from other cultures.
Q2. What Were You Like As A Child? / どんな子供でしたか?
As a child, I was happy always making new friends.
Q3. What Jobs Have You Had In The Past? / これまでの職歴
I taught for 幼児開発協会 for 20 years, before joining Hana House in 2010.
Q4. What Things Do You Love? / 好きなもの
My family, music, teaching children, Hana House, Turkish Kilims, Japanese food, and hand pumped beer.
Q5. What Do You Want Children To Learn? / こどもたちに身につけてもらいたいこと
I want children to find things they want to learn more about.
Q6. Message To Students / メッセージ
Go where there is no path, and leave a trail.