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Drama / Sing & Play / World Studies

英国出身の児童絵本作家を母にもち、幼いころから児童教育の世界に触れて育つ。子供を見つめる目はとても優しく教育への想いはとても深い。英語指導だけでなくDrama Educationの指導資格も持つ。明るくポジティブなパワーで子供達をあっという間に笑顔にさせる。

Q1. Where Are You From? / 出身地

I am from Japan. (British mother and a Japanese father).
I grew up in Koganei (Tokyo), and was raised bilingually.

Q2. What Were You Like As A Child? / どんな子供でしたか?

I was a tomboy. I used to play outside a lot running around and playing sports with my friends. I always loved being in nature.

Q3. What Jobs Have You Had In The Past? / これまでの職歴

I was actively involved in music and picture books since a young age as my mother writes and illustrates children’s picture books. I have composed children’s songs and collaborated in storytelling events for many years.

With jobs and volunteer work related to education, I had a chance to travel and live in Asian, European, South American and African countries. Through my experiences, I started to think about what the world would need in the future.

My special interest was in global and human rights and thinking of ways for children to learn about the world. In 2014, I was requested to help develop a Curriculum at Global Field, an after-school program in Tokyo where children were exposed to English every day. The curriculum that I developed, helped children at the school become fluent in English while learning and discussing different cultures, environmental problems, community needs and health issues, at the same time as having fun with activities that helped children express themselves, such as art, music, drama and virtually connecting with schools around the world.
Currently, I teach Drama, Sing & Play and World Studies at Hana House and also work as a freelance voice actor and musician.

母が絵本作家、イラストレーターだったこともあり、幼い頃から音楽と絵本に囲まれて育ちました。私自身も、長年子供向けの歌を作曲したり、絵本の読み聞かせイベントでコラボレーションをしてきました。教育関連のボランティア・仕事をする中で、アジア諸国、ヨーロッパ、南アメリカ、アフリカ諸国を旅したり、生活する機会を得てきました。これらの経験を通して、未来の世界に必要なことは何かを考えるようになりました。私が最も興味があることは、世界の権利、人間の権利です。そして子供たちがどうしたら世界について学ぶことができるかを考えることです。2014年に東京にあるグローバル・フィールドという英語学童で、カリキュラム・デザインの業務を任されました。私が設計したカリキュラムは、異文化、環境問題、社会的ニーズ、健康問題を学び・議論する中で、英語も磨かれるようなプログラムを開発してきました。同時にアート、音楽、ドラマ、世界中の学校をオンラインで繋ぐ、そのような、子供が自分自身を表現することを楽しむような活動を設計してきました。現在はドラマ、Sing & Play, World Studiesをハナハウスで教え、他に声優や音楽家としても活動しています。

Q4. What Things Do You Love? / 好きなもの

Singing, bodyboarding, travelling

Things you want/hope children to learn
I want children to have fun while learning English. And as they grow older, I want children to learn that English is an amazing tool that connects you to new people, countries, ideas, creativity and experiences.

Q5. What Do You Want Children To Learn? / こどもたちに身につけてもらいたいこと

I want children to have fun while learning English. And as they grow older, I want children to learn that English is an amazing tool that connects you to new people, countries, ideas, creativity and experiences.

Q6. Message To Students / メッセージ

Let’s have fun! Don’t be afraid to be YOU.

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(14:30 - 18:00)


(14:30 - 18:00)


レンガ教室 杉並区松庵3-31-16-102

Mirai教室 杉並区西荻北2-2-16



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