Phonics / Speaking / Big Questions!
Q1. Where Are You From? / 出身地
I am from a small town in Georgia, which is part of the United States of America.
Q2. What Were You Like As A Child? / どんな子供でしたか?
I was very curious about everything and loved to talk and tell stories.
Q3. What Jobs Have You Had In The Past? / これまでの職歴
I have been a waiter, a janitor, a carpenter, a newspaper reporter, and a model. I had many jobs before I moved to Japan. I am currently the head of a small STEM school in Hachioji called Centauri Institute.
ウェイター、管理人、大工、新聞のレポーター、モデルなど日本に来る 前はたくさんの仕事をしました。現在は八王子でCentauri InstituteというSTEMスクールの代表をしています。
Q4. What Things Do You Love? / 好きなもの
I love eating, and video games. I love going on Nature Hikes, and I love science.
Q5. What Do You Want Children To Learn? / こどもたちに身につけてもらいたいこと
I want children to learn to enjoy learning. I also like to teach children how to approach problems logically and work to find solutions to those problems.
Q6. Message To Students / メッセージ
If you have a question, any question at all, please ask me. If I don’t know the answer, then it will be a fun opportunity for us to find the answer to your question together